We’ll always offer you the best price available to your destination when you place your order.
To view the most accurate prices, select your delivery destination on our website.
Which currencies can YOU shop in?
This is determined by your delivery destination and will be displayed at checkout before placing your order.
When will YOUR card be charged?
If you pay by debit card, credit card, PayPal or cryptocurrency, FARFETCH (or its affiliates as applicable) will take payment when you place your order.
Which payment methods do WE accept?
- Visa
- MasterCard
- Maestro
- American Express
- Diners
- PayPal
For your safety, security checks are taken on all payments made to us at the time of purchase.
Are YOUR personal details safe?
Absolutely. We keep your personal information confidential and only give it out with your consent or if legally permitted. For further details, view the BTD24 privacy policy.
What is PSD2?
PSD2 is a European regulation that makes online payments more secure. When you place an order online using a card payment, your bank may ask you to confirm your identity through 3D Secure authentication.
What are the payment steps when I place an order?
When you place an order within Europe, you may be directed to a 3D Secure authentication by your bank. There are many ways to authenticate online payments and you could be asked to confirm your identity through SMS, email, or TouchID. Once your payment is authenticated, the order will be placed and you’ll return to the BTD24 order confirmation page. As soon as your order has been confirmed, you’ll receive an email.
How will my bank confirm my identity?
Get in contact with your bank to understand their 3D Secure authentication process. Make sure they have the correct contact details for you just in case they use SMS or email for authentication.
I have some more questions about payment: who should I contact?
Please contact Our Customer Service advisors for any additional questions you have INFO@BTD24.EU WHATSUP: 372 5067118.